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18 years later...
  JohnnyBologna, Mar 30 2023

double post

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18 years later...
  JohnnyBologna, Mar 30 2023

So where to start? After black Friday happened it seems like the community started to slowly drift away from each other, like when you graduate school and everyone parts ways and does their own thing. I was no different. I felt with the slow death of online poker after Black Friday, I needed to transition into the next chapter of my life. I was making little money online compared to before and saw it as the end of an era. So why this random blog post out of nowhere? Probably for self-reflection, a little nostalgia, some sentimental reasons, and just a good old online blog reunion.

Well being a college dropout and a lazy bum, I pivoted to the next easiest thing for me, live poker. To be honest, I was really burned out from poker at this stage already. Had no motivation to grind whatsoever, only enough to pay the bills each month. I think a lot of players feel this way around the 10-year mark in most industries but I cant speak for everyone. Never moved up stakes just grinded 2/5 for fcking ever.

I played in Norcal, Socal, Vegas, Florida, and now ultimately ending up in Austin Texas. I guess poker is a part of my identity. This community is a part of my identity. It's who I am and it took me a very long time to accept this. I had struggles of seeing poker as a respectable career and in turn didnt respect myself and had identity issues. But all that is poop down the toilet now because f all that. I am proud of who I am now, everyone here should be proud of themselves. Poker people are not scumbag degenerate gamblers that contribute nothing to society. Be who you are and embrace it 100% if you want to make it in this world.

Without pride there is no passion. When online poker was good I was so proud to be a part of this site and the poker community. It ignited a passion and fire in me that allowed me to grind so heavily in the beginning. Then when things got bad, I let it affect me negatively, not just moneywise. It got into my head, my game, and fucked everything up. This is why you need pride and passion. Now, living in Austin Texas and seeing the resurgence of a poker boom similar to that of before, I will not squander this opportunity. A small fire has been ignited in me like before. I am no longer the weak aftermath of the collapsed online poker economy.

I am going to extract as much money as possible from these live poker peons, and I am going to feel freaking good doing it. I will become the best version of a crusher that I can possibly be and will have no regrets along the way. Only then, can I be satisfied with who I am and what I have become. LP is my homepage again and I haven't forgotten about my brothas and sistas. I might not post often but I will still be lurking here every once and a while. Best wishes to everyone and I hope you all find your pride and passion in life.

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opening a business
  JohnnyBologna, Mar 03 2015

well. poker is getting boring so i've decided to open up a nail spa.
location is in florida, a lot of middle aged retired white women here that like to get their nails did.

i myself dont have any experience with nails but my wife is a nail tech and her sisters are and they want their own shop so why not.

Never opened a business before so going to try and use common sense as a guide and try our best.
Of course location of the store is the gonna be main focus/foundation of the business and we are looking hard for a good location.

Only thing that concerns my is they want to buy a previous nail salon so then it would be ready to move in already without having to do much renovations. this seems fairly common because it would be much more work to start from the ground up when starting a new business.

This means we are going have to rely on providing exceptional service because obv the owner before is not doing so well to be selling in the first place.

my wife and her sisters do exceptional work so if we can just get an upswing or heater then that would be great.

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